Angel’s Priorities

Responsible Management of Your Tax Dollars

Angel is dedicated to managing public funds effectively to benefit students and improve education. He aims to ensure tax dollars are used wisely by introducing stronger oversight and financial management practices on the Chicago Board of Education. By focusing on transparency and careful use of resources, Angel seeks to maximize the positive impact on student learning and educational outcomes.

Establishing Board Transparency

Angel is running for the school board to bring greater transparency. He’s committed to an honest, open board that keeps the community fully informed. By championing clear communication and responsible decision-making, Angel ensures parents, students, and community members know how resources are allocated and how decisions impact their schools.

Ensuring Top-Quality Education for Every Student

Angel is dedicated to making sure every student has access to great educational options. He believes that all kids deserve high-quality learning, no matter where they live. Angel is committed to improving and expanding school programs so every student gets the best opportunities to learn and succeed.